Requests Library in pythonProgramming Language/Python 2019. 12. 5. 00:42반응형
Apache Software License (Apache 2.0)
- python으로 작성된 HTTP library
- HTTP/1.1 request 사용 가능
- headers, form data, paramters 등등을 간단히 추가 가능
pip install requests
Import 방법
import requests
Method 종류
- GETparams : Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes
requests.get(url, params=None, **kwargs)
requests.options(url, **kwargs)
requests.head(url, **kwargs)
- POSTdata : Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes
json : json data requests.post(url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs)
- PUTdata : Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes
requests.put(url, data=None, **kwargs)
- PATCHdata : Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes
requests.patch(url, data=None, **kwargs)
requests.delete(url, **kwargs)
간단 사용법
>>> response = requests.get('https://www.python.org') >>> response.status_code 200 >>> response.content b'<!doctype html>\n<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class=... ... ' >>> response = requests.post('https://www.python.org') >>> response.status_code 403 >>> response = requests.head('https://www.python.org') >>> response.status_code 200
참고 문서
pypi의 requests 문서
Requests 문서
Developer InterfaceccGithub
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